Everything in One

  I look upon you as though you were a king,
that you do not belong to this Earth. I know this,
for if you were real, I would be forever yours.
The love I feel for you, and the passion I feel for you,
is the love of a thousand shinning black musical notes bouncing from star to star,
in the shadows of the midnight skies.

 The passion of the tallest tidal wave of climax, it is the quench of desires thirst,
that one could dream. This lives within me, as the Earth lives within the universe.
I as one, form around this passion,
as the leaves form around the trees.

 I have seen this, the you who you are, in a million lovers, I have felt you in ten.
But not one be you, oh! I wonder if it be only me.
No, I say to myself, for a person to have these qualities,
a need so deep for them, then one must have them from within.

 Touch me, touch me like so many things are touched.
Be with me as so many things are within their own place.

 Be the streams water as it runs down the muds path, to the lakes fullness.
Be the grass up on the shore that feels the water flow around it,
bending to the direction of the rapids run.
For when I look at these I feel you, or I feel me, but wanting to feel you.

 The artist eyes, as he looks onto his canvas,
seeing his work before he has begun to apply the paint.
Holding the brush in his hand,
moving his hand like a snake who slips through your morning glories
on your back porch. Each time the brush touches down a mark is made,
the line of one's inner feelings.

 The artist makes love with his canvas, as the notes make love to the music.
Each one dancing all for you,
like the after rain that leaves drops to fall down the leaves in the trees.
As the sun shines down
giving a radiant gleam to twinkle in your eyes,
in the morning as you make love to me.

 Touch me, touch me like so many things are touched.
Be with me as so many things are within their own place.

 I feel for you inside what I would feel if the world was to be forever free.
The water was to be clean, the air was to become clear.
I feel for you, what I would feel inside if people were to love one another.
But these are dreams of men, who look for words to say.
When words can make this a better world,
then maybe you can be found.

 My mental lover ride the skies,
sail upon your ship in the slashing breeze of damned dirty seas.
For mentally I can have you as I can dream about you until the day is done,
and see you upon the notes that ride the stars,
in midnight skies.

 For I can say and say of you who might be,
but unless I get up and go find you,
my words will never be done.
They say they know what needs to be done, they say how.
Well if I can't live among
 them and their words no more, will you come and save me, so that you can......

  Touch me, touch me like so many things are touched.
Be with me as so many things are within their
own place....

Jonni @copywrite 3/2005

